Anciet mali

Anciet mali

Monday, December 5, 2011

Art and Architecture

Art and Architecture- A

The Mali Empire was rich with different art forms. Their art was creative using patterns and colors are just a few. some of their art was wierd but it was creative and some showed human advancement using diferent forms of art, not just colors but plain and bold too. They encouraged art in cultures. their artchitecture was creative and was basically art just it was bulit and it was small and big forms of it.

I gave the Mali Empire a "A" because their art and architecture was good, it was very creative and also they had many different forms of it and techniques of it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mali Economy

There where many goods produced in Mali. There were goods like Salt, Copper, and Gold. The empire taxed every ounce of gold that entered its border. All gold was immediately handed over to the imperial treasury in return for an equal value of gold dust. Every year merchants entered Mali with camel loads to sell in Niani.

There was an advanced level of trade because other countries wanted gold really badly and they had three large gold mines and they traded slaves. Trade of products helps the citizens live because they could live better and in more luxury and they could live easier since they traded gold for salt because their animals needed salt,as did they.

They traded with empires across the Shara and they could do this because they had game  as transportation, that didn't need to stop for water very often.

Mali Government

Mali Government- B+

 The Mali was the 2nd biggest empire in Africa. The founder of them was Sandiata Keita. He cared a lot about the trade routes and built a strong military to protect them. He also created the constitution of Mali. He created a government that was divided into groups. These groups were Personal Responsibilities, Social Organization, Property Rights, and Environmental Protection.

Multiple kings after Sanditia Keita, was Mansa Musa. Mansa Musa was greatly respected by Arab people, and he was the most well known of the Arabs too. Mansa Musa was a man of islamic faith, so while Mansa Musa was in charge he made a pilgrimage to Mecca. When he went to Mecca for it, he became more well known because of it.

In the time of Mansa Musa, the Mali empire was divided into provinces. The provinces had towns, and the towns had mayors just like today. Mansa Musa died though, and things went downhill. Other empires started taking over parts of Mali, and no one knew what to do. That was the end of the Mali.

I gave the Mali Empire a B+ because they conquered lands, they had very powerful, strong, and respectful leaders, but in the end it completely fell apart. Mansa Musas sons started to try to take over, but they couldn't take over so the Songhai invaded Mali.

Mali Technology

Mali Technology- C

The Mali people were good at making inventions that helped the military. They produced leather, to make shields and armor for fighting. They also advanced in farming, like farming rice, beans, sorghum, millet, peanuts, papaya and cotton. They also produced a lot of gold. They had slave workers, herdsmen, and iron, copper, and gold mines. This was pretty technologically advanced for their time, but they didn't really create anything new. They just kind of did what everyone else did, but they were very skilled at it so they were able to do it more.

I gave Mali technology a C because they didn't create any brand new invention, they just grew crops, and herded like everyone else. They were more skilled at it so they could have more farmers, more miners, more slaves, and more exports.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mali's society

Mali society- Grade: A-

                In Mali’s society they did have slavery, but the treatment of the slaves was not awful.  The slaves were not beat and worked to death by their owners; they were actually given jobs in the government.  A few of the jobs given were royal administrators and soldiers in the Mali army.  In every government there is a court.  For over a decade the slaves even ruled the court in the Mali government.

                Mali’s society was very fair and everyone, even the slaves, were treated close to the same.  Since there are guide lines of the matenince, treatment, and subsequent freedom of slaves, the slaves of Mali were almost as equal as the Mali citizens.  Also there are social movements in Mali, like the spread of different religions.

                I gave Mali’s society a “A-” for a grade because they do a great job of keeping their government fair.  Also they don’t treat slaves like they are less superior to the rest of the society.  Other empires have different classes of society making their people think one is better than the other when really all people are the same no matter what race or gender they are.

Mali's religion

Religion – Grade: C+

                Around the world religion brings us together.  In different regions there are different religions with different values.  In Mali their main religion is Islam.  Islam is a monotheistic religion.  Islam’s believe that God is the only reason to be living, and they believe no one is comparable to God.  The people of Mali believe that their chief has direct contact with the spirit that helps make their crops grow.  This creates a strong bond within their community. The spirits official title is the spirit of the land, the God can make the Islam’s crops grow or fail to grow. The Islam’s also follow the five pillars of Islam.

                The five pillars of Islam state that with in your life time:

1. Declaration of faith

2. Pray five times a day facing mecca

3. Give to the poor

4. Observe fast of Ramadan

5. Pilgrimage to mecca

                I gave Mali’s religion a “C+“ for a grade because they are not very pushy when it comes to the values of their religion.  Though they do wish you would do all of what you can of the five pillars, which can get expensive.  In other empires they do not make you spend money you don’t have they just ask you do what you can even if that means praying when you can, and going to church as often as possible.