Anciet mali

Anciet mali

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mali's religion

Religion – Grade: C+

                Around the world religion brings us together.  In different regions there are different religions with different values.  In Mali their main religion is Islam.  Islam is a monotheistic religion.  Islam’s believe that God is the only reason to be living, and they believe no one is comparable to God.  The people of Mali believe that their chief has direct contact with the spirit that helps make their crops grow.  This creates a strong bond within their community. The spirits official title is the spirit of the land, the God can make the Islam’s crops grow or fail to grow. The Islam’s also follow the five pillars of Islam.

                The five pillars of Islam state that with in your life time:

1. Declaration of faith

2. Pray five times a day facing mecca

3. Give to the poor

4. Observe fast of Ramadan

5. Pilgrimage to mecca

                I gave Mali’s religion a “C+“ for a grade because they are not very pushy when it comes to the values of their religion.  Though they do wish you would do all of what you can of the five pillars, which can get expensive.  In other empires they do not make you spend money you don’t have they just ask you do what you can even if that means praying when you can, and going to church as often as possible.

1 comment:

  1. You explained this really well and It's nice how you also included the 5 pillars they follow(:
